How to Install and Configure Redis on Ubuntu Server: A Beginner’s Guide

Learn how to effortlessly install and configure Redis on your Ubuntu server with our simple guide. Discover the essential steps to get Redis up and running, from installation to memory management, and boost your application's performance today. This beginner-friendly walkthrough is your first step towards mastering Redis, a powerful tool for database, caching, and messaging solutions.
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Install and Configure Redis on Ubuntu Server

Redis is a powerful in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. This guide will walk you through the steps to install and configure Redis on an Ubuntu server. Whether you’re a developer, a system administrator, or just a tech enthusiast, this easy-to-follow guide will get Redis up and running on your Ubuntu server in no time.


  • An Ubuntu server (version 18.04 or later)
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges

Installing Redis on Ubuntu

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Ubuntu

Before installing Redis, it’s important to update and upgrade your Ubuntu server. This ensures that all software is up to date and reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities. Run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Redis

Installing Redis on Ubuntu is straightforward thanks to the apt package manager. Use the following command to install Redis:

sudo apt install redis-server

This command installs Redis and its dependencies.

Step 3: Verify Redis Installation

Once the installation is complete, check if Redis is running with the command:

sudo systemctl status redis

If Redis is running, you’ll see an output indicating that the service is active.

Configuring Redis

Step 1: Basic Configuration

Redis works well with the default configuration, but you may need to tweak some settings for optimal performance or specific use cases. The main configuration file for Redis is located at /etc/redis/redis.conf. Use a text editor to open this file and make changes.

sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

Step 2: Enabling Remote Access (Optional)

By default, Redis is configured to listen on the localhost ( To enable remote access, you’ll need to edit the bind directive in the Redis configuration file.

Managing Redis Service

Starting Redis Service

To start the Redis service, use:

sudo systemctl start redis

Enabling Redis to Start at Boot

To ensure Redis starts when your server boots, enable it with:

sudo systemctl enable redis

Limiting Redis Memory Usage

Understanding Memory Management in Redis

Redis stores all data in memory for fast access. However, it’s crucial to limit its memory usage to prevent the server from running out of RAM.

Configuring Memory Limits

Edit the Redis configuration file /etc/redis/redis.conf and set the maxmemory directive to the maximum amount of memory Redis should use:

maxmemory 256mb
maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru

This setting limits Redis to 256MB of memory, using the “allkeys-lru” policy to determine which keys to remove when the limit is reached.


Installing and configuring Redis on an Ubuntu server is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your application’s performance by providing fast data access. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ve learned how to install Redis, manage its service, and configure essential settings, including how to limit memory usage to ensure optimal performance without compromising your server’s resources.

Redis is an incredibly powerful tool for a wide range of applications, from caching to acting as a message broker. While it operates excellently with default settings, tailoring it to your specific needs can unlock even greater efficiency and capabilities. Remember, the key to maximizing Redis’s benefits lies in regular monitoring and fine-tuning based on your application’s behaviour and demands.

Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or just a tech enthusiast exploring Redis, there’s always more to learn and ways to improve your setup. Dive deeper into Redis’s advanced features, experiment with different configurations, and join the vibrant community of Redis users to share insights and solve challenges together.

We hope this guide has demystified the process of setting up Redis on Ubuntu and provided you with the knowledge to get started. Your journey with Redis doesn’t end here. Explore, experiment, and expand your skills to make the most out of this powerful tool.

Do you have any questions or tips about using Redis? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below, or reach out on our social media platforms. Let’s continue learning and growing together in the dynamic world of technology.

Wan si System Administrator

Elena Petrova

I'm Elena Petrova, originating from Eastern Europe. My expertise lies in database management, efficient backups, and server administration. I'm committed to safeguarding critical data and simplifying tech topics through my writing.


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